13 April 2021
Another site has restarted recruitment to the WHiTE 8 trial yesterday, 12 April: Welcome back to the Royal Sussex County Hospital team!
8 April 2021
April's WHiTE 8 newsletter has been published and the updates are available for you to read at this link.
6 April 2021
Congratulations again to the Royal Cornwall Hospital team, who maintained their stellar form in March and topped the recruitment list with 22 new patients randomised into WHiTE 8!
19 March 2021
Welcome back to the team at Queen's Medical Centre (Nottingham University Hospitals)! They restarted recruitment to WHiTE 8 COPAL on 15 March.
16 March 2021
Welcome back on board to the Ipswich Hospital team and the Royal Berkshire Hospital team, who yesterday restarted recruitment to the WHiTE 8 trial!
09 March 2021
The WHiTE 8 newsletter for the month of March is now out and you can read it at this link.
04 March 2021
Congratulations to the Royal Cornwall Hospital team, who were top recruiters in February, with 23 patients randomised!
24 February 2021
A warm welcome back to the Southmead Hospital Bristol team, who have restarted recruitment to WHiTE 8 on 19 February. Congratulations on the first two newly recruited participants!
11 February 2021
The WHiTE 8 - COPAL newsletter for February is out! You can read it by clicking this link.
05 February 2021
Congratulations to the Royal Cornwall Hospital team, who were top recruiters for WHiTE 8 in January 2021, with 17 patients randomised!
15 January 2021
The January 2021 edition of newsletter is ready for all site teams to read.
15 January 2021
James Cook Hospital team were top recruiters for the WHiTE8 Copal trial in December 2020.Site team has recruited 21 patients.
08 January 2021
144 patients were recruited in December 2020. Thank you to all site teams for amazing work.s to all of our participating sites!
23 December 2020
Happy Holidays to all of our participating sites! Thank you all for your amazing work during this difficult year
18 December 2020
Our offices will be closed for Christmas and New Year for 2 weeks from Monday 21st of December 2020 and reopening Monday 4th of January 2021.We will still be monitoring our mailboxes, so if you have any urgent queries, please email the trial mailbox and mark the email as 'urgent' in the subject line.
08 December 2020
The December 2020 newsletter is ready for all research teams to read.
03 December 2020
Today is our 1 Year anniversary since WHiTE8 team joined Twitter. Follow us on Twitter for latest news and trial updates!
02 December 2020
Congratulations to the Wythenshawe Hospital and University Hospital of Wales teams as both sites recruited 19 participants in November 2020 making tem joint top recruiter!
01 December 2020
119 patients were recruited in November 2020. Thank you to all site teams for going above and beyond during these challenging times!
06 November 2020
The November 2020 newsletter is ready for all site teams to read.
03 November 2020
James Cook Hospital team were top recruiters for the WHiTE8 Copal trial in October 2020.Site team has recruited 18 patients.
02 November 2020
All site teams recruited 126 patients in October 2020.
12 October 2020
The October 2020 newsletter is ready for all site teams to read.
02 October 2020
All site teams recruited 145 patients in September 2020.
01 October 2020
Royal Cornwall Hospital team were top recruiters for the WHiTE8 Copal trial in September 2020.Site team has recruited 30 patients for the WHiTE8 Copal trial.
08 September 2020
The September 2020 newsletter is ready for the site teams to read.
01 September 2020
Royal Cornwall Hospital team were top recruiters for the WHiTE8 Copal trial in August 2020.Site team has recruited 26 patients for the WHiTE8 Copal trial.
17 August 2020
Luton and Dunstable University Hospital team re-started recruitment & screening for the WHiTE8 Copal study!
10 August 2020
Royal Berkshire Hospital team re-started recruitment & screening for the WHiTE8 Copal study!
06 August 2020
The August 2020 newsletter is ready for the site teams to read.
04 August 2020
Queen's Medical Center team re-started recruitment & screening for the WHiTE8 Copal trial !
27 July 2020
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital team re-started recruitment & screening for the WHiTE8 Copal trial !
14 July 2020
The Royal Sussex County Hospital and Wythenshawe Hospital re-started recruitment for the WHiTE8 Copal trial!
03 July 2020
Queen Alexandra Hosital team re-started recruitment & screening for the WHiTE8 Copal trial !
03 July 2020
The July 2020 newsletter is ready for the site teams to read.
01 July 2020
Leicester Royal Infirmary Hospital team were top recruiters for the WHiTE8 Copal trial in June 2020.Site team has recruited 13 patients for the WHiTE8 Copal trial.
30 June 2020
John Radcliffe Hospital team re-started recruitment & screening for the WHiTE8 Copal trial !
29 Jun 2020
Poole Hospital team restarted a recruitment and screening for the WHiTE8 COPAL trial !
16 June 2020
Today the Leicester Royal Infirmary Hospital team recruited a first study partcipant since recruitment for the WHiTE8 Copal trial was paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
16 June 2020
Royal Cornwall Hospital team restarted a recruitment and screening for the WHiTE8 COPAL trial !
15 June 2020
Leicester Royal Infirmary Hospital team restarted a recruitment and screening for the WHiTE8 COPAL trial !
11 June 2020
The June 2020 newsletter is ready for the site teams to read
03 June 2020
Kings College Hospital restarted recruitment and screening for the WHiTE8 COPAL trial!
27 May 2020
The Trial Managment Group made a decission to restart recruitment and screenig activities for the WHiTE8 COPAL trial
20 May 2020
Happy International Clinical Trial Day!
15 April 2020
The April 2020 newsletter is ready for the site teams to read
08 April 2020
In March 2020 the James Cook Hospital were top recruiters for the WHiTE8 Copal trial and have recruited 13 participants.
22 March 2020
Temporary suspension of recruitment and screening activities due to current COVID-19 pandemic as of 5pm on Sunday 22nd of March 2020 until further notice.
11 March 2020
The March 2020 newsletter is ready for the site teams to read.
05 March 2020
The Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital (NSE) has resumed recruitment for the WHiTE8 Copal trial. Welcome back!
04 March 2020
In February 2020 the Leicester Royal Infirmary were top recruiters for the WHITE 8 Copal trial and have recruited 15 study partcipants.
14 February 2020
The February 2020 newsletter is ready for site teams to read
06 February 2020
In January 2020 the Leicester Royal Infirmary were top recruiters for the WHITE 8 Copal trial and have recruited 22 study subjects.
13 January 2020
The January newsletter is ready for site teams to read
06 January 2020
In December 2019 the Leicester Royal Infirmary were top recruiters for the WHITE 8 Copal trial and have recruited 23 study subjects.
01 January 2020
We have now reached 3000th study partcipant recruited to the WHiTE 8 Copal trial.
We would like to thank all the site teams for their efforts with consenting and recruiting participants to the study!
25 December 2019 to 02 January 2020
Our trial office will be closed during the festive holiday period, however we will still be monitoring our mailboxes, so if you have any urgent queries, please email the trial mailbox and mark the email as 'urgent' in the subject. Happy Festive Holidays to all of our participating sites!
16 December 2019
The WHITE 8 study team has now a Twitter account. Follow us @8Copal for latest news and trial updates
10 December 2019
The December newsletter is ready for site teams to read
01 December 2019
Royal Cornwall Hospital were top recruiters for the WHITE 8 trial in November 2019. Site team has recruited 19 patients for the WHITE 8 trial.
29 July 2019 - We have now reached our 2000th participant recruited to the WHiTE 8 trial. The 2000th participant ID (W8-12000) was randomised by Royal Berkshire Hospital, however technically, this is not the 2000th participant as we have had several randomisation errors. The 2000th participant was actually W8-12010, who was randomised by Southmead Hospital. Regardless, it's been another busy day of recruits and we thank all teams for their efforts with consenting and recruiting participants to the study!
24 June 2019 - Welcome to Mr Teivendran and his team who have now opened for recruitment for the WHiTE 8 study.
06 June 2019 - Luton and Dunstable have now joined the WHiTE team, both for the Cohort and for WHiTE 8. Welcome to Mr Kalairajah and his team.
01 June 2019 - The June newsletter is ready for sites to read
15 May 2019 - We have now reached 1,500 participants recruited to the WHiTE 8 Study!
01 May 2019 - See the following link for the May Newsletter
24 April 2019 - Welcome to Ben Rogers and his team at Royal Sussex County Hospital who opened for recruitmet today.
01 April 2019 - The April Newsletter is now available for you to read
29 March 2019 - Queen Elizabeth Hospital are the latest team to open for recruitment for WHiTE 8. Welcome to Mr Mahmood and his team!
01 March 2019 - 1000 PATIENTS!! You have now helped us to recruit 1000 participants to the WHiTE 8 Copal trial. Southmead were the lucky site to recruit W8-11000. We are very grateful to all of you for your hard work with screening, consenting & recruiting patients to this study, and for your diligence with sending us the related documents and data. See here for the March Newsletter
20 February 2019 - Welcome to Morriston Hospital (Ian Pallister & team) who have opened for recruitment to the WHiTE 8 trial. We're looking forward to seeing your first recruit!
12 February 2019 - The February issue of the WHiTE 8 Newsletter is now available. Let us know if you have anything you'd like to see added to the newsletter (e.g. tips to share, issues you'd like help with, etc).
08 February 2019 - We've set up some teleconferences with sites to discuss common issues and to share good practice across our research sites. Stay tuned for an email inviting your team to join us at one of the scheduled teleconference sessions.
23 January 2019 - With a bit of delay, see the link included here for the January issue of the WHiTE 8 newsletter.
10 January 2019 - A warm New Year's welcome to Ipswich Hospital who have opened for recruitment to the WHiTE study today. We're happy to have Chris Roberts and his research staff join the WHiTE team.
24 December 2018 to 04 January 2019 - Our trial office will be closed during the holiday period, however we will still be monitoring our mailboxes, so if you have any urgent queries, please email the trial mailbox and mark the email as 'urgent' in the subject. Happy Holiday
16 December 2019
The WHITE 8 trial has now a Twitter account. Follow us @8Copal for latest news and trial updates!
06 December 2018
David Melling and the research team at University Hospital Aintree, are the latest to join the WHiTE 8 trial. Very excited to have another of the Major Trauma Centres become a part of the WHiTE Cohort!
05 December 2018
To read this month's newsletter, click on the link here.
22 November 2018
The team from Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester are the latest to join us in recruting to the WHitE 8 study. Welcome to Chris Peach and the trauma research team there.
12 November 2018
Welcome to Inder Gill & his team at Salford Royal Hospital who have opened for recruitment today. We're looking forward to working with your team.
08 November 2018
Brian Riemer's research team at the University Hospital of Coventry, headed by Azra Arif, are the latest to open for recruitment to WHiTE 8. Welcome to you all! Also, today is the day that the new Patient Consent Checklist (V2.0 19Sep2018) should be used by all sites. This document was changed in Amendment 03.
05 November 2018
The first edition of the WHiTE 8 Newsletter was sent out today. We sent it using MailChimp, so please check your inbox and let us know if you didn't receive it. Here is a link to the newsletter. We will send one out monthly to update teams on recruitment, WHiTE 8 news and other important information relating to the trial.
18 October 2018
Yesterday, Queen's Medical Centre were open to recruitment (Welcome to Ben Ollivere, Jess Nightingale and the Nottingham UH research team) and today we're pleased to welcome Khitish Mohanty, Heather Jarvis and the rest of the team from University Hospital of Wales to the WHiTE 8 team.
12 October 2018
Today, we are happy to open Blackpool Victoria Hospital to recruitment. Welcome to Charalambos and his team.
10 October 2018
We've had a few issues lately with teams using cements that are not the WHiTE 8 cements. Please make sure your theatre staff are aware that the trial uses PALACOS R+G and COPAL G+C only. They cannot use PALACOS MV+G, COPAL G+V or any other variation of these cements. Thank you!
09 October 2018
100 Participants recruited as of today! Thank you all for the hard work you’ve put into the trial. We appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into screening patients, speaking to patients and their families, sending us the necessary forms and completing CRFs online.
27 September 2018
Hot on the heels of the JR & James Cook, we have now activated Leicester Royal Infirmary for recruitment to WHiTE 8. Welcome Ashwin Kulkarni & team!
25 September 2018
Once again, we have opened two hospitals to recruitment in one day. Welcome to the teams at the John Radcliffe Hospital (Graham Sleat & team) and at James Cook University Hospital (James Webb & team)!
19 September 2018
Yesterday we welcomed the Queen Alexandra Hospital team in Portsmouth to the trial (welcome to Charlotte Lewis & her team), and today the team at Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital (Sponsor site, with Mike Reed as PI) will begin recruitment to WHiTE 8. Exciting times!
14 September 2018
It's been a busy few weeks of SIVs and today Southmead Hospital has started recruting to the trial. Welcome to Tim Chesser and his research team, headed by Steven Barnfield.
13 September 2018
Amendment 01, which saw the addition of a GDPR data protection statement into the information sheets, cam into effect today. From this day, all sites should be using Version 2.0 (31Jul2018) of the WHiTE 8 Information Sheets.
10 September 2018
We have activated two sites today: A warm welcome to Poole Hospital (Mark Farrar, Carrie Colvin & team) and Royal Berkshire Hospital (Andrew McAndrew, Emma Craig & team)!
04 September 2018
Welcome to Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital who have started recruiting to WHiTE 8. Welcome to Iain McNamara, Celia Whitehouse & the rest of their reserch team.
30 August 2018
Royal Victoria Infirmary is now open to recruitment. A warm welcome to Sharad Bhatnagar, Stuart Watson and the rest of the research team in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.
16 August 2018
WHiTE 8 COPAL just received its Green Light activation from OCTRU and is now open to recruitment! Royal Cornwall Hospital was our first hospital to be activated and start recruitment. Happy to have Russel Hawkins, Jess Summers and the rest of the Cornwall trauma research team on board. Looking forward to getting a few more sites on board this month.
30 July 2018
WHiTE 8 COPAL is in its final stages for setup and will begin recruitment in early August 2018. Stay tuned to this page to see which sites are taking part and how we're doing with recruitment to the trial.